Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation

Vaginal Rejuvenation and Tightening Specialist

Who is a candidate for Labiaplasty or Vaginoplasty?

Many women are born with too large, irregular, or asymmetrical Labia Minora. Others develop stretching and elongation of the labia as a result of childbirth or with aging. This presents not only an aesthetic predicament but more importantly a functional hindrance. Women with large and irregular labia are often embarrassed during sexual interactions, and feel uncomfortable with wearing bathing suits, tight clothes, or jogging shorts. Others experience pain or irritation during intercourse or feel that they cannot reach optimal sexual pleasure because of the hindrance of their bulky Labia Minora.

Meanwhile, there are some women who develop very full and large Labia Majora (outer lips) as a result of weight gain. This becomes a noticeable nuisance when wearing tight pants, shorts, or bathing suits. It also traps moisture and causes skin irritation, rash, or even promotes yeast infection.

Does Labiaplasty or Vaginoplasty interfere with having natural childbirth?

No, Labiaplasty does not hinder natural childbirth, but in fact makes it easier.

What types of Labiaplasty techniques are available?

Traditionally, most gynecologists or plastic surgeons utilize the direct excision and reduction method of Labiaplasty. With this method a long strip of the Labia Minora is excised, leaving a surgical incision at the edge of the Labia. Alternatively, other Labiaplasty surgeons use a wedge excision technique which removes a V-shaped area of Labia Minora, eliminating the excess and avoiding the incision along the labial edge. Continue reading about Labiaplasty techniques.

Reduction of the Labia Majora involves liposculpture and liposuction to reduce the unsightly protuberance of the Labia Majora. At times it is combined with the reduction and tightening of the Mons Pubis, otherwise called Monsplasty.

Anesthesia and Surgery for Labiaplasty

Labiaplasty is performed under local anesthesia with some sedation in order to reduce anxiety. This procedure is rather short, and can take about 30 minutes. At times Labiaplasty is performed in conjunction with Vaginoplasty (Vaginal Rejuvenation), tummy tuck, liposuction, breast augmentation, or other cosmetic procedures.

What is Vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty is a treatment for Vaginal laxity. Vaginoplasty is a female genital surgical procedure that tightens the vagina and surrounding muscles and soft tissues. This surgery results in increased friction during intercourse that often enhances sexual satisfaction.

After childbirth the vagina is stretched and does not return to its original diameter. This condition frequently leads to decreased feelings of friction and loss of sexual satisfaction by the patient. Generally, the more vaginal deliveries, the worse the condition gets. Many women will complain of decreased sensation and sexual satisfaction during intercourse.

Recovery after Labiaplasty - Vaginal Tightening

Most patients experience mild discomfort, swelling, and bruising after Labiaplasty which lasts two to seven days. During this time, women can experience some spotting, and/or urinary hesitance. They should wear pads, and apply Neosporin ointment to the surgical sites for comfort. They can take a shower or wash within six hours of surgery. Although you can return to sedate activities and work within two days, you should refrain from jogging, biking, horseback riding, running, heavy lifting, and sexual intercourse for about 4-6 weeks. Continue reading about recovery after Labiaplasty.

Potential Risks and Complications

Labiaplasty is considered a minor surgical procedure, and thus is relatively safe. The most common potential complications are bleeding, minor infection, incision breakdown, scarring, and/or irritation and pain.

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